You can create your own personalised merchandise here, it really is very simple. You can make high volume merchandise pieces for your business, smaller numbers for your social groups and even one-off pieces for that special person or event!

Have you got your own designs already? If yes, then GREAT! If not, then GREAT -
we can help you with that.

Have you got your own online shop already? If yes, then GREAT! If not, then GREAT -
we can help you with that too to get you selling straight away.

So how does this all work for you?

Glad you asked…

Firstly, the Merch Shop is run by REAL DESIGNERS - NO ROBOTS! So if you want something, just ask. We are the designers and the producers but we are so very happy to receive your designs and bring them to life for you. The Merch Shop does not offer an ‘upload your clip art and pay then deliver’ service, At the core of the studio we are all creators and want the best out of every project for you, for your business, for your charity and for your social groups. If you do not see something here that you want, then get in touch and let us know how we can help you reach your goals.

Every project is unique, or at least until the next time we produce more stuff for you. ‘Firsts’ take time, the clue is in the name. However, once we have your logo, message or design in the best production ready format and it is all good to go, then we can ‘Print on Demand’ for you, ensuring you great quality products, amazing production and brilliant delivery schedules. Ask our team how they can help you today -

Are you a member of a Charity, School PTA, College, Social group, Facebook group?

Ask how we can help fund & support your community group with amazing design & print with subsidised design, print and labour costs!

Every penny you save is another penny that goes towards your group!

• Are you fundraising now?

• Do you need clothing, uniforms?

• Do you need banners, flags, pens,

stickers, flyers, posters etc?

Take advantage of the studio ‘community fund’ and instead of paying high, retail prices for fundraising marketing materials, you could be entitled to subsidised design and print.

To find out more about the community fund, please click here…

Beer festival? Rock band? Big social, community events?

Now you have got it covered all under one roof!

When the studio gets invited to support big social events there are NO LIMITS!

The team designed and printed a wide range of banners, posters, facebook adverts etc and even created a limited edition run of celebration clothing and merch pieces and built their own pop-up shop for the festival weekend to help raise much needed funds for the festival’s charities.

Big, social, community events in your town?

Engagement and participation are the key factors in any event…

Bright, eye-catching road side banners, often installed on the towns business premises that support the community.

The craft and activity table at the FREE Halloween party.

Summer Fayre brochure filled with fund raising sponsors adverts and the day’s timetable of events.

Always great support from the town’s press and media.

Happy volunteers manning stalls at the Xmas market.

Hampshire Design Studios has been the headline sponsor and design and print partner for the Waterlooville Town Social Events for the last few years and to great success.

Many towns across the country are falling by the wayside and community is suffering. One of the many passions of the studio is to rebuild these commercial and community spaces and facilitate the people coming together again. Xmas Market, Picnic in the Park, Summer Fayre, Live Music etc. What great causes to get behind and by utilising the studio’s self generated ‘community fund’, the design and print is either fully or part subsidised keeping the events fundraising cash where it needs to go!

Find out more about our amazing community fund here.

Another FREE family activity in the craft and activities tent at the Summer Fayre.

 What can we do for you?

Hampshire Design Studios designs and creates all sorts of merchandise, collectables, keepsakes and gifts for all sorts of charities, schools, clubs, societies etc.

We are proud to support a number of different sorts of clubs, groups, societies, organisations. This website offers you the ability to take advantage of unlimited merchandise pieces and more importantly,
the ability for you to create your own merchandise!

Fund raiser Elisa with the team at ‘Dogs for Autism’ as she shows off her new clothing and vehicle graphics.

You can have almost any design recreated and marked onto almost any substrate including clothing, drink ware ( inc mugs, travel mugs, water bottles etc ), promotional pieces ( inc key rings, lanyards, wristbands, pens etc ), bumper stickers, fridge magnets… you get the idea!

Simply contact our design team and see how really easy it is to get your bespoke merchandise designed and produced, you can even have the delivery organised and executed from here too. So start saving all your valuable time wondering how you might get this done and look forward to being the most popular member of your group ( without any of the design / logistical headaches! )

So what exciting new merchandise are you going to treat your group to this year?

Rock Band T-shirts

Uniquely designed and printed T-shirts for Hampshire Rock Band ‘Black Smoke Rebellion’.

Some of our most popular merch pieces…

Tote Bags ‘n’ Tees

The Southern Music Project are an organisation bringing music lessons and events to East Hants. The studio designed their logo too and have since produced all of their marketing collateral including pull up banners, stickers, flyers, event posters etc

Kit Bags and Luggage

Eastleigh Dojo now has every member with their own kit bag for their gi’s and other training equipment.

Embroidered Woolly Hat

Hats and caps are always popular with every group and something the studio creates 100’s every month. No minimum numbers and low set up costs.

Charity Group Merch

Joker Squad sell all their merch pieces to raise much needed funds for children’s charities across the UK. Hampshire Design Studios sets up a ‘Pop-Up’ merch stall at their events and even helps them sell them!

Sustainable Packaging

Lemon & Jinja are based in Romsey, West Hants and are at the forefront of ethical shopping and sustainable goods. The studio have been invited to use its all resources to produce ethically and sustainably sourced products and packaging and so proud to do so.

Do you need help designing your sales materials for your groups?

Yes, we can create tailor made adverts for you to post on your social media and use on your websites before directing your members here to take advantage of this easy to use shop.

Selling poster for social media

Selling poster for social media